Time flies when you’re having fun, and my how this year has flown by! I thought it would be good to share some of our most memorable fish so far this year. I have to say that we had a lot of BLESSED days in my boat this year, here on Lake Fork. Yes, there were some tough days of fishing as well. That’s fishing.
Lake Fork is the most heavily pressured reservoir in the world, as far as I know. If you go out on this lake and have a good day and catch some fish, you’ve really done something special. The vast majority of Lake Fork trips end in disappointment. That’s just reality. However, being on the water almost everyday is definitely an advantage. It’s also very nice to have so many other awesome lakes in the area for those times when Lake Fork is being stubborn.
It’s always nice to look back through the big fish photos and remember each trip. We had some miracle fish this year. Some of those fish were unexpected surprises at the end of a good day. Others were that one bite that made the trip. The biggest of 2019 for my boat, was the only bite my customer had that day! Think about that!
Right now the lake is somewhere between fall and winter mode. We’ve had nice weather, and arctic weather, and back to nice weather. The water is in the mid 50’s and the lake level is 2 feet below pool.
Here are a few highlights from 2019. These aren’t all the biggest fish, just a few to represent what a great year it was. The first picture is my favorite. That’s me and my dad. My folks spent Memorial Day weekend with me here on Lake Fork and I got to spend a few hours with them on the water!