February is here and I’m sure it will fly by like it does every year. It passes too quickly because it is one of my favorite months. The lake isn’t crowded and every day I am excited because I feel like the chances of a double digit sized bass are high. Did you know that 4 out of the top 10 largest bass ever caught in Texas were caught during the month of February? The best day I have ever had on Lake Fork was in the month of February, and some of the biggest bass my customers have caught were caught in February. I am going to be on the water every day I possibly can this month and you should be too!
We have had a very cold winter. Just a few days ago I fished in 37.6 degree water. I have seen water colder than that on Lake Fork only once, and it was 36 degrees. Most people couldn’t imagine a bass biting under those conditions, but my customer and I actually caught a few nice fish from that frigid water. As a matter of fact, I never have let the water temperature get into my head because I know the big bass have to eat to keep their body weight up, and I have seen many giants caught from very cold water.
Today the water temperatures ranged from the low to mid 40’s, and should stay there this week. I am fishing areas where prespawn bass stage up and feed before moving to spawning areas. I keep several rods on my deck, rigged with a variety of lures. Jigs, spinnerbaits, bladed swim jigs, and crankbaits are among the most productive for me. Bass can be caught in a wide range of depths this month; I usually fish anywhere from 25’ up to 2’. If I’m fishing a main lake point or deep creek channel, I will probably be as deep as 25’, and sometimes deeper. However, if I am fishing shallow during a warming trend, I might catch a big one in just a couple feet of water. The conditions change on a daily basis as front after front passes.
For the most current information I have on the fishing, continue to check my website as I update reports regularly. If you would like to book a trip for February I still have a handful of dates available, but if I am already booked I can point you in the right direction. I work with some of the best guides on the lake and I trust them to take care of the folks who call me. Hopefully the information in this report will help you catch a trophy this month. The first step is bundling up and getting on the water!
Here are some happy customers with big February bass!