Trophy bass fishing on world famous Lake Fork

Lake Fork Guide Report

Although it hasn’t really felt like it, it’s getting close to summertime here on Lake Fork! It’s been a longer spring season this year as far as fishing patterns go. Starting with the big freeze around Valentine’s Day, then all the cooler than normal weather in March, I believe it got the fish behind on schedule. That’s been a good thing overall, and made for some better fishing later in May than usual.

Right now we’re dealing with a lot of extra water. The rainfall total for the last couple of months has to be close to record setting. SRA had no choice but to let us get full, and there have been a few times we got a little above pool. That’s been a huge blessing to the fish and many of us who enjoy fishing the shallow cover. Many fish that would normally be venturing out to their offshore haunts at this time of year are still in shallow water.

As the temperature warms up, I believe a lot of fish will transition to typical summertime patters. I love the deep offshore bite on Lake Fork. I’ll be looking at deep points, humps, and other types of structure. When I find them grouped up, I’ll usually have a Santone football jig as my first option. Then I’ll try other techniques like deep cranking, Carolina rigs, and big spoons. You just have to experiment to see what works best in any given situation.

The water temperature right now is in the upper 70’s. It will be climbing over the next few days I’m sure. The water level is still slightly above full pool. 

Good luck on your next fishing trip, and if I can be of any assistance please don’t hesitate to contact me. Here are some recent big bass we’ve had in my Skeeter here on Lake Fork!

Kyle bassKyle Lake Fork