It’s early April here on Lake Fork, and my how things have changed since our last report a month ago. I know the changes in our way of life have affected all of us, and my prayer is that we realize how much we need the Lord’s help at this time.
Folks who aren’t around our lake might imagine the fish are getting a bit of a break, but it’s just the opposite! It’s like Memorial Day weekend every day of the week right now. With so many people off work due to stay at home orders, the lake is packed.
Normally this is as good as a time to fish as you could pick on the calendar. Many fish are coming off their beds and getting the post spawn feed on, the shad are starting to do their thing, and I’m sure there’s a handful of bass that will pull up late and spawn. This is why April is such a good month. There are usually a few things going at any given time. Heavy boat traffic has made it a little tougher, but that’s a variable I can’t control so I just try to find something others have overlooked.
The water temperature is in the upper 60’s to mid 70’s depending on the area of the lake. The water level is slightly under full pool. The water clarity varies from chocolate milk on the northern end to just right as you get closer to the dam.
For the first time in years, I have actually gotten to go fishing for fun during prime time. There’s a silver lining to all the cancellations. It’s nice to go out once in a while, with no pressure to catch fish. Just slow down, take it easy, and think about nothing but the next cast.
I’ll leave you with a Bible verse that’s more relevant than ever. ”And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” (Romans 13:11)
Here are a few great fish from our trips since my last report!