It’s hard to beat April fishing here on Lake Fork. I always look forward to this month because things start to get more consistent. The cold fronts are normally a little more spread out and the crowds aren’t quite as bad as the spring break crowds of March.
At the time of this report the water temperature is around 60 degrees. A couple cold fronts over the past few days have kept it a little lower. The water level is .31’ below full pool. We’ve had a lot of rain, but the powers that be have been keeping it a little below pool. The fish could use every inch of shoreline vegetation the lake has to offer during spawning season.
The fishing has been great on some days and tough on others. We’ve had a lot of rain so far this year and the water level has fluctuated a good bit. When the water is rising or steady, all is well. When the level is dropping they seem to get stubborn. The muddy water, changing level, and cold fronts have kept us guides guessing. A couple days of stability usually rings the dinner bell.
This month is always a great shallow water month. We all love topwater fishing and there’s probably not a better time to do it. Shallow crankbaits and small to midsize swimbaits are big players as well. The key is covering water until you find them. Once you locate some fish, they’ll probably hang out there a few days. Timing is important as well.
Hopefully this helps point you in the right direction on your next trip to Lake Fork. If I can be of any assistance on your upcoming trip please don’t hesitate to contact me.
These are from our most recent trip with return customers Brett and Tyler! I have a lot of pictures to post, but not enough time for now. These will have to do. I don’t usually post duplicates of the same fish but that first one sure was fat. So, the first two picture are both of one fish.
Brian and Kayla put it on them too!