As you can see from the pictures below, we’ve had some big fish recently! November wasn’t quite the numbers month it had been in years past, but it turned out to be a great month for big bass. Each big fish we boated came from deep, offshore structure.
The water temperature right now is in the mid 50’s. Hopefully it continues to go down. The fishing is better for me when we have a normal winter. The water level is about 1.5′ below full pool. As of right now, the deeper fish are holding around 20′. However, we are at the time of year where I start to go a little more shallow.
It’s no secret that I love the winter months. Winter is all about quality over quantity. Being cold blooded, they do slow down in the winter. Although, big bass, especially the females, have to eat in order to maintain their body weight and support the developing eggs they’ll be laying in spring.
Big bass always like deep water access close by, but this seems to be more important in the colder months. Big fish will position in areas where the can move vertically to change depth and still relate to the bottom. A ledge is a perfect form of structure for a bass in the winter. If the sun is out and warms the surface a bass can easily rise in the water column to “soak up some rays”. However, if a cold front comes along, all the fish will need to do is drop down a few feet to a more stable temperature.
Creek channels, ditches, and drains are prime areas for the bigger fish in winter. I like the 8-12′ depth best, but will often target areas in shallow water if conditions call for it. The presence of aquatic vegetation is a big bonus. The grass will hold some warmth from the sun, produce oxygen, and provide as cover for protection.
I’m looking forward to the next couple months. Winter is nice and quiet around here. I enjoy having the lake to myself and the anticipation of that big bite! Remember, the Texas State Record Largemouth was caught on Lake Fork in January!
Check out these giant Lake Fork bass! There are no two pictures of the same fish.